Australian Lithuanian newspaper

A group of Lithuanian working at Iron Knob understood the importance of having a newspaper in Lithuanians. They organised a collection to see the creation of Australijos Lietuvis (Australian Lithuanian).

The pioneers were:
Petras Juodka donated ₤1
Juozas Bacys donated ₤1
Albinas Kutka donated ₤1
Jeron. Miliauskas donated ₤1
Vincas Samulis donated 10 shillings
Jurg. Cholmogorcovas donated 10 shillings
Stasys Malickas donated 10 shillings
Vaclovas Stuknys donated 10 shillings
Domas Valancius donated 5 shillings
Jonas Vizbaras from Leigh Creek donated ₤2

Vardan tos Lietuvos - Canberra's memorial

  The Australian Lithuanian War Veterans Association ( Ramov ė ) comprises of former members of the previously independent Republic of Lithu...