
Showing posts from November, 2016

The mystery of the Sea Captain and the unidentified soldier

This story begins with a link sent to me by Jonas Mockunas to a document of Lithuanians who were involved in shipping in some form before WWII.  There are several men listed who came to Australia.  I was intrigued to find a former sea captain who ended his days in Port Lincoln, South Australia, someone I had not heard of before.  I was able to find some information on him and as I delved further into Port Lincoln history to try and understand his life, I found some interesting information.   Feliksas Marcinkus (Marcinkevičius) was born on 7 March 1905 in Kaunas.       From a young age he showed his love for his homeland and freedom, so much so that as a 15 year old he left school to enlist in the army.   He fought in the Širvintai-Giedraičių  war with Poland in 1920 after the Poles had occupied Vilnius. When he first saw the Baltic sea he became so enchanted w...