Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Crossing the Line

Equator-crossing ceremonies evolved from a test for seasoned sailors to ensure their new shipmates were capable of handling long, rough voyages.  

Lithuanians coming to Australia by ship were initiated into this rite after crossing of the Equator.  The ceremony usually involved everyone onboard, King Neptune, dressing up and lots of water.   This memorable event was often acknowledged with a certificate.

Eighteen-year-old Renoldas Čėsna was on board the Castelbianco bound for Melbourne in 1949.  He travelled with his parents and sister, along with another 911 refugees from Eastern Europe: Balts, Polish, Yugoslavs, Ukrainians, Russians, Hungarians and Germans.  Renoldas kept a diary of his journey from Naples, Italy, to Australia.  This is his translated account of the equator crossing ceremony.

1949.III.7 Indian Ocean

We sailed across the equator.  For that occasion, a baptism was held. King Neptune carrying a pitchfork and a few princesses came and sat down at a table, covered with white tablecloths.  On the table was placed a large pot with soap-bubbled water, a bucket of water and two plates. On one plate was some sugar, the other held salt, a razor blade and a large brush.  

One lady was chosen from the crowd and placed on a chair.  They covered her face, eyes, nose and lips with red soap foam.   Then with a large razor, began to shave. After shaving, they washed the brush in water and wiped away the remaining foam.  At the end, they gave her sugar or salt. A Naval Officer was baptised, and photographs were taken with an IRO representative, senior waiter and a sailor.  A bucket of foam was poured over the head of a waiter, after which all those present were wet with a hose.  For the rest of the day, everyone on board sloshed each other with water.  There was an ensemble of men who would catch women and throw them into the children’s swimming pool.  Some men were also pushed in the children pool.   The weather was windy, windier than earlier. The sky was cloudy. 

Renoldas Čėsna’s diary and certificates of Equator crossings from the Australian Lithuanian Archive.

Saturday, 11 January 2025

Vardan tos Lietuvos - Canberra's memorial


The Australian Lithuanian War Veterans Association (Ramovė) comprises of former members of the previously independent Republic of Lithuania (1918-1940) armed forces.  The purpose of the organisation is to encourage the camaraderie traditional among ex-soldiers and to maintain and foster Lithuanian heritage, customs and culture.

Canberra veterans chose to construct a monument dedicated to honour the victims of terror of communism for wanting to rebuild independent Lithuania.  It was built in the garden of the Canberra Australian Lithuanian Club, when it was located at 64 Wattle Street, Lyneham, an inner northside suburb of Canberra.

The initiator and designer of the monument is Feliksas Borumas, who personally executed the construction work with major assistance by LKVS Ramovė Canberra branch secretary, Liudas Budzinauskas and other LKVS members of Canberra Ramovė organisation.  The intention was that it would stand indefinitely as a witness and proof for future generations of Lithuanians flight from communism who, by destiny, settled in the Australian capital city, Canberra.  It would reflect their efforts to assist in the struggle for Lithuania’s freedom and warn the Australian people and government of the menacing goal of communism, which was to conquer the world.

Built of locally sourced granite rocks, taking them six months to construct.  The monument was constructed totally of blue granite stone blocks and cement jointing, with steel reinforcing.  The monument stood six foot high, but the Gedimino stulpai increased its height to just under eight feet.  The monument contained a document placed in a metal tube and concreted in the upper section.  The national emblem was presented by Viktoras Budzinauskas in 1989 from Lithuania.

This monument was consecrated by Father Povilas Martužas who also celebrated Mass, during the commemoration ceremony of the Lithuanian Armed Forces on 25 November 1990.  A ceremony by the monument was held annually to commemorate Lithuanian Armed Forces Day, 23 November 1918.

The monument was demolished along with the club building.  The maquette, brass Vytis plate, the nameplate and large marble plaque with 'Vardan tos Lietuvos', that were attached to the monument was given to Felisksas’s stepson, Ron Cameron, after Feliksas died in 2009. He donated the items to the Australian Lithuanian Archive in 2024. 
Written with assistance from Ron Cameron

Australian Lithuanian vignettes

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