In Memoriam - Kristina Karazija nee Cavill

Eight years ago today a good friend of mine died from Leukemia. Her name was Kristina Karazija nee Cavill. Kris loved life, she ran through it and would have more stories to tell than most 90 year olds. Being with her was an adventure, she had a way of making you do things, before you knew it you would be gardening in her back yard, not angry more perplexed as to how you got there. Kris loved all things Lithuanian, her mother was born their and passed on her love of the country. Kris learnt the language, was a member of the Lithuanian Dancing group and traveled their on several occasions. We traveled to Europe together in 1990, I can even recall her talking in her sleep in Lithuanian. In 1997 she married Algis Karazija from Melbourne and settled not far from her parents home. A considerate and loving person it wasn’t a real surprise that she worked as a nurse at the Royal Adelaide Hospital in the Oncology ward. Ironically it was here that she passed away in 2000. One thing I have learnt form Kris is that life is short so live every minute of it.
Ilsėkis Ramybėje
Rest in Peace Kris, until we meet again.
