Alfonsas Budrys

Alfonsas was born in 19th March 1915 in Karoliskis, Kupiskis. From a young age he enjoyed photography. He exhibited in numerous exhibitions in Lithuania and when he arrived in Australia. He liked to compose photographs from two negatives using the superimposed principal. At a later stage he began using video. His work features in many publications in America, Canada and Australia.

At 16 years of age, he joined the local railway brass band and begun to keep a photographic record of its musical tours. In the late thirties he met photographer Jonas Zitkus who gave him helpful advice with his photography. In 1942 he married Birute Navickaite and in 1944 they fled to the West.

In 1949 they migrated to Australia and settled in Adelaide. Budrys completed his two year work contract at an iron foundry and then worked at General Motors Holden factory as a die caster until his retirement in 1980.

Since its establishment in 1954, he has been a member of the Lithuanian Photographic Group and from 1963 to 1969 was a member of the Adelaide Camera Club.

He has kept a fantastic photographic record of the Lithuanian community in Adelaide, always seen with a camera in hand at any functions. The great collection of photographs in the Adelaide Lithuanian Museum is credited to him.

Rosemary Aliukonis

Rosemary was born on the 7 September 1950, in Adelaide. At an early age she showed talent and was encouraged to study art. After completing school at Seacombe High in 1968 she enrolled in the SA School of Art. In 1972 she was awarded a diploma in Fine Art, having gained a distinction in painting. She received the John Christie Wright Memorial Prize for composition which enabled her to study lithography for a year. In 1974 she undertook a scholarship to study at the Hamburg Art College.

Her first solo exhibition was held at the Llewellyn Gallery in North Adelaide in 1974.

Arts practiced
  • Glass
  • Graphic Design
  • Illustration/Drawing
  • Multimedia
  • Painting
  • Printmaking
  • Sculpture
  • Teaching/Tutoring Experience
  • Textile
Print above titled "Medicine shield".

Lithuanian Artists in Adelaide

Genovaite Kazokas, author of the book "Lithuanian artists in Australia 1950 - 1990", writes that Adelaide comprised the largest number of artists in Australia who had completed formal art training. Some had gained qualifications in Lithuania, two graduated from the L'Ecole des Arts et Metiers. Over the next few weeks I plan to highlight some of these artists.

, Painter, graphic artist, film maker
Alfonsas BUDRYS, Photographer
Borisas BORJERAS, Cartoonist
Aurimas DUMCIUS, Sculptor, ceramists and painter
Vilia DUNDA, Ceramist
Balys GREBLIUNAS, sculptor
Vytas KAPOCIUNAS, Painter, sculptor
Algirdas KUDIRKA, Painter, stage decorator, graphic and poker work artist
Aleksandras MARCIULIONIS, sculptor
Eleonora MARCIULIONIS, ceramist
Balys MILAKNIS, sculptor
Brone MOCKUNAS, Painter
Stasys NELIUBSYS, Painter
Ieva POCIUS, sculptor
Jonas RUDZINSKAS, painter, sculptor, stained glass
Mecys RUDZENSKAS, Painter
Antanas RUKSTELE, painter
Vaclovas RYDLINSKIS, Painter
Pranas SAVENIS, Painter
Vytas SERELIS, Painter
Ziba VILMANIS, Painter, book illustrator
Vytautas VOSYLIUS, photographer
Leonas ZYGAS, painter

Vardan tos Lietuvos - Canberra's memorial

  The Australian Lithuanian War Veterans Association ( Ramov ė ) comprises of former members of the previously independent Republic of Lithu...