27th Australian Lithuanian Festival in Adelaide LOGO competition

PRIZE: $200.00 for the winning entry

A Logo is needed for the 27th Australian Lithuanian Festival to be held in Adelaide in Dec 2012.

The theme for the festival is “Vilties Liepnsa’ (Flame of hope).

The theme was chosen to represent hope for the survival of our fragile Australian Lithuanian communities. On a global level, it symbolizes the hope Lithuanians have always had, firstly for an independent state and now in surviving economic crisis. Culturally, Lithuanians were pagans, worshiping fire and in modern times the flame is used to represent The Holy Spirit & Light.

The logo will feature on all promotional material, t-shirts, badges, programs etc.The rights of the logo become the property of the Organising Committee and the Committee reserves the right to edit any design. The Organising Committee will be the judges and the decision of the judges is final.

It will need to have the following wording;

• Vilties liepsna

• Adelaide 2012

• XXVII or 27

Please submit entries by August 15th, 2011. Entries or further information can be emailed to

riverhorse@virginbroadband.com.au or cavi0003@hotmail.com; The logo should be sent as .jpg or .pdf attachment. Alternatively, logos can be mailed to LOGO Contest c/o 17 Craigill Rd St Georges SA 5064

nb. Only entries by South Australian Lithuanians will be considered.

For more past images, view the Flickr site, click on the icon to your right.

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