Balt found dead after accident

Kazys Smilgevicius, 27, welder, of Childers street, North Adelaide, was found dead in his bed early yesterday morning.

The dead man received a broken wrist and bruises to the head when his motor cycle came into collision with a taxi at the corner of O'Connell and Ward streets, North Adelaide, shortly after 6 pm on Thursday. He was taken to the Royal Adelaide Hospital where he was examined by two doctors.

Alter having his wrist X-rayed, Smilgevicius was told to go home and report back at the hospital yesterday morning for the result.

The cause of death is being investigated by police who will prepare a report for the City Coroner. Smilgevicius was employed at General Motors Holden's as a spot welder.

Saturday 21 May 1949 The Advertiser

Kazys was born in Telsiai, Lithuania on 18 December 1922. He was a tailor and single when he arrived in Australia on board the General Stewart Heinzelman on 28 November 1947. After a short time in Bonegilla he worked as a labourer for the EWS at Port Lincoln. He lies buried in West Tce cemetery with a headstone erected by the Lithuanian community.

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