Digitised Lithuanian heritage

It was with much excitement that I learned that Lithuania had began to digitise and place on-line historic records. 

They are calling it The Virtual Electronic Heritage System (VEPS).  Through the portal called epaveldas you can access thousands of cultural heritage objects newspapers, manuscripts, maps and sound recordings.  So far they have digitised 2 295 506 pages of documents preserved in archives, libraries and museums, 17 500 images from the Lithuanian Art Museum and 11 000 musical works (sound recordings with the total duration of 71 580 minutes).

There are several reasons why this is great news to anyone researching Lithuanian history or their family.  Digitised records include Birth death and marriage records for numerous areas.  Its not complete and you may have to know Latin, Russian or Lithuanian cursive.  It is also not indexed, so you have to go through page by page.  You also need to know the area your family came from and then search for records around that area.  If you do find something yo can save and or print.

The other great news is that they have digitised the Australian Lithuanian newspaper 'Musu Pastoge" from 1949 to 2010.  Again its not indexed, so unless you have a reference it may take awhile to go through.  

You can translate the web page to English, but all documents are in Lithuanian. Having been used to our wonderful Trove website, this appears very clunky, but it can only get better.  Its well worth a play and a few hours of your time, you never know what you will find.


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