A new breed
I loved Lithuania long before I ever set foot on her shores. It is the land of my grandparents, the place where they were born, grew as a child and left as young adults. The country that was always their home, their mother tongue, their history. A land that they never returned to, to live, but was always dear to them. I have just returned from a visit to Lithuania where I spend a month travelling around the country, catching up with old friends and meeting new relatives. I grew up in Australia and was always a little sad that our family was so small. I was still better off than most as my paternal grandfather has his siblings here, but it still added up to a small group that could all sit around one large dinner table. This year I met my parents cousins for the first time, and am amazed at how my family has suddenly expanded. I wish my parents had this extended family growing up, they missed out on so many family gatherings, gossip ...