Dark history part V

Dark history part V


On February 22 1954 police were called to a cliff side in the Sydney beach suburb of Tamarama where a car had plunged over the edge. The body of 44 year old Lithuanian born Dr Joseph Blank washed up in the surf.   While police were puzzling over why he had driven off the cliff the remains of another person were thrown up by the sea.  They were identified as Lithuanian woman Judy Arane 27, whose family said she had arrived seven years earlier after being held in a German prisoner of war camp and was 'just beginning to enjoy life'.  It was a mystery as to why she was in the car'.

A 29-year-old Lithuanian fettler was found dead in the railway quarters at Dulbydilla Siding on Sunday afternoon.
He was Bruno Paulauskas. A .22 rifle was found lying near the body. 
Police say there were no suspicious circumstances.

Western star (Toowoomba)  15 January 1954


Lithuanian George Hayes killed a man, shot four other people, then suicided.
Bruce Clark shot in chest while visiting the Weate’s. Killer shot 5 in locked room George Hayes, 22 year-old Lithuanian migrant, who committed suicide Saturday afternoon after shooting up the family of pretty Beverly Weate, former girlfriend, at their Ivanhoe home.

Beverly's f a t h e r was killed and three members of the family and a friend were wounded, as Hayes, formerly Jurgis Vazelis, sprayed them at lunch time with a .38 pistol.
Then he locked the lounge room and shot himself dead.

Mr. Hector Weate, 45, who tried to disarm Hayes after he had shot Daryl Weate and Bruce Clark, both 17, lay dying in the hall with a bullet in his brain, when neighbours and police arrived.
Mrs. Weate, 40, was shot in the shoulder as she' fled from the kitchen with her daughter Mirim, 3, whose head was grazed.

Police believe Hayes went to the Weate home in a rage after phoning from a nearby box, and being- told by Mr. Weate to keep away.  

Police were told Beverly was walking through a park near her home recently when Hayes approached her. After an argument, Hayes fired a shot.
Hayes' only relative in Australia is a brother working in the country.

Mr.Weate had recently bought a hotel near Benalla, and owned a chain of frock shops and some trotters.

He died in St. Vincent's hospital an hour after he was shot.
Police rushed Beverly from Ivanhoe to her father's deathbed.
Funeral of killer Lithuanian George Hayes at Fawkner Cemetery.

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