Saturday, 4 June 2016

Congratulations SA. From Lithuania 1936

In 1936, the Prime Minister of Lithuania, J. Tubelis wrote a congratulary letter to the Hon. R.L Butler, Premier of South Australia on the State centenary. National flags from around the world accompanied the messages of congratulations.

As part of the celebrations, the Centenary Executive Committee of South Australia contacted the State, Federal and British governments to obtain official reques
ts for flags to be sent to the state. These messages were read publicly as each flag was presented to the South Australian Governor and Premier.
As "a colourful and significant gesture of world goodwill", the messages provide a snapshot of international diplomacy in 1936, shortly before World War II would change this political landscape forever.

From State Records of South Australia
SRSA Ref: GRG24/145/1/27

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