Adelaide Soccer Star, Tony Kitas

The name Kitas is a war cry for Vytis soccer team.  Anatolius Kitas  became a centre forward soccer player for Adelaide Vytis Sports Club.  Born on 27 March 1927, arrived in Melbourne on 18 August 1950.  He worked by day as a porter with the SA Railways.  He excelled at soccer but was also a first class basketballer and table tennis player.  In the DP camps of Germany he played soccer for Lithuanian in international games against several European countries.  For a short time he was a German professional soccer team.

He was fast, had perfect dribbling skills and could be all over the oval. He kicks goals from either foot and any angle.  During 1953, in 15 league matches he scored 65 goals, in one game scored 10 gaols.
From 1952 to 1957, Kitas was chosen to be part of the South Australian Soccer team, and an Australian XI which the team which included six new Australians.

In 1954, he scored more goals than any other player in the summer series.  When the Vytis soccer teams folded, Kitas joined Adelaide’s Polonia team, first as a plyer and then as a coach.
He  passed away in 1989 aged 62.

Adelaide Vytis Soccer team, 1950's. A. Kitas is standing second from left

1 comment:

Phill Armanas said...

My father, Vytautas Armanas (played as Armonas) is pictured fifth from left standing. Kytas was a good friend of my father.

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