A few outstanding years - Adelaide Vytis Soccer Team

From left kneeling, J. Songaila, V. Sinusas, V. Lazauskas, B. Langevicius.
Standing: J. Lelys, M. Ciplys, A. Kitas, A. Petruska, V. Martusevicius, S. Sidabras

The formation of a Soccer team was initiated by Eddie Taparauskas and Jonas Abromas.  The first team captain was Anatolius Kitas with outstanding players such as Jonas Sadauskas, Alexandras Sabaliauskas, Aleksas Merunas, Vincas Pledzinsksas and Juozas Čizauskas.   The team increased with players Bronius Langevičius, Stasys Darginavičius, Jonas Baškus, and Vladas Sneideris and Robertas Sidabras. 

In March 1952 Vytis Soccer team became officially registered with the South Australian Soccer Association.   The uniform was a yellow top and green shorts, with a red Vytis embroided onto the pocket.

Initially Vytis was allocated to the third division.  In one match in 1952, against ETSA team they won with a record 14-0 result.  Vytis finished the season in third position.  Vytis was placed in second division which they won.  Vytis was invited to pay in the summer season where games were held in the evenings under electric lights at Norwood Stadium.  They reached the finals which was played against Budapest, losing 1-2.

A new committee was formed in 1953, Anatolius Kitas as Presidenet, Edmondas Daniškevičius as vice-president, Edie Taparauskas, Juozas Kleinauskas and Otas Ungurys. 
For the 1954 season, Vytis was placed in the top division.  Vytis now had two teams were playing.  In that year a Baltic soccer competition was established with Latvian teams from Adelaide and Melbourne.  It was held on July 8th, weekend with Vytis wining.  

About this time some members chose to move onto other clubs.  Eduardas Virba went to Juventus and played as their centre, Robertas Sidabras transferred to Enfield.  Due to a shortage of players, trainer Edmondas Daniškevičius, not having competed for 14 years dressed in the Vytis uniform. Vytis ended that year in fifth position. 

In 1955 the South Australia soccer league became a semi professional sport and players were being brought in from overseas.  The best players were recruited to other teams.  Vytis did not have enough younger players coming up through the ranks and sank to seventh position that year. 

After a few outstanding years, the soccer team folded.  Kitas went on to play with a centre for Juventus and only Edis Virba (Virbickas) had a career as a soccer player for Juventus.

The reserve team consisted of  A. Afanijasevas, Algimantas Rusinas, Edie Taparauskas L. Jaciunskis, Algimantas Ignatavičius, Robertas Ramonaitis, V. Motuzas, Leonardas Žierdavičius. 


Phill Armanas said…
The names shown in the 'standing' row omit my father, Vytautas Armanas, who played under the name Armonas for some odd reason. He is the middle person and I note that only six of the seven in that row are named. A. Petruska is named at the position my father is in, or, he is simply missed out.
Phill Armanas said…
My father is shown in the photo, in the middle of the 'standing' row. However he is not named. A. Petruska is named in his position. His name was Vytautas Armanas but he played as Armonas for some reason. I understand he may have captained a team at some stage. He played for several years.
Phill Armanas said…
My father is pictured in the middle of the 'standing' row however he is not named. A. Petruska is named in his position. I believe he may have captained a team at some stage. He played for several years. His name was Vytautas Armanas but played as Armonas for some reason.