This information was translated from the Lithuanian newspaper "Musu Pastoge" . It was published several years ago and details the activities of the Baltic Corp just after the war. It was written by Balys Nemeika (now deceased) who was in the Corps. Part I
Men in Displaced Persons camps could serve in the American or English occupying armies while they lived in Germany. After the war, soldiers wanted to return home and the occupying forces needed to search elsewhere for men to work. People from the Baltic states were considered as it would be much cheaper than retaining their own soldiers. There was no lack of volunteers; the camps while waiting for immigration were monotonous, food was plain and there was not nearly enough. The cold war had also begun with the USSR and men believed that if conflict arose then the volunteers could serve with the Lithuanian army. Some believed they may be looked upon more favourably if they wanted to immigrate to America.
About mid 1947, Baltic Corps were instituted in the English zone. About 30 squads were created each with between 30-32 men. Each squad leader was Lithuanian. The rationale was to work at various army objectives. Works squads worked in garages, kitchens, and as drivers.
The events of WWII forced many Lithuanians to flee their country. Unable to return, over 10,000 came to Australia. This is their history.
Tuesday, 30 June 2009
Monday, 22 June 2009
More Questions...
Displaced Persons wanting assistance from UNRRA or seeking to emigrate after WWII filled out copious amounts of forms. Below is questions from Memmingen which was translated from English to Lithuanian for DP's to fill out.
UNNRA Team 155
APO 757 Memmingen
Married Single:
Address: DP Index card:
Birth date: Birthplace:
Date on which you left your country:
Date on your arrival in Germany:
Purpose of your arrival:
Where did you work in Germany:
Name of Firm:
Why did you work there:
Did you ever reside in Russia:
If persecuted, attach here copies of papers and details:
If married, give the name of other party:
Do you own any property in Germany:
Did you ever except German citizenship:
If yes, why:
Any proof:
Application for Assistance
Annex A to Administrative Order 29
Family name
Identity No
Religion: R.C, Prot, Jew other
Marital status:
Family Members:
Places where you resided for last 12 years:
Employment for last 12 years:
Languages spoken: Speak, Read, Write
Financial Resources:
Property Cash and income Assistance from relatives
Relatives details:
Have you or any member of your family been receiving assistance from UNRRA; IGC; Voluntary agency:
If you have been receiving assistance, please state the amount:
If you have been receiving assistance from a voluntary agency please give the name of the agency.
Organisation you belonged to and why:
Present address:
Do you wish to return to your country of former residence?
Do you wish to remain in Germany?
Have you any relatives, friends or resources in Germany:
Do you wish to emigrate to some other country? Is so country of first preference.
Do any factors exist which might facilitate your emigration to this country.
What close relatives have you in this country? Give addresses, state relationship and whether any such relative is prepared to help you financially or otherwise.
Other preferences as to resettlement and resources.
UNNRA Team 155
APO 757 Memmingen
Married Single:
Address: DP Index card:
Birth date: Birthplace:
Date on which you left your country:
Date on your arrival in Germany:
Purpose of your arrival:
Where did you work in Germany:
Name of Firm:
Why did you work there:
Did you ever reside in Russia:
If persecuted, attach here copies of papers and details:
If married, give the name of other party:
Do you own any property in Germany:
Did you ever except German citizenship:
If yes, why:
Any proof:
Application for Assistance
Annex A to Administrative Order 29
Family name
Identity No
Religion: R.C, Prot, Jew other
Marital status:
Family Members:
Places where you resided for last 12 years:
Employment for last 12 years:
Languages spoken: Speak, Read, Write
Financial Resources:
Property Cash and income Assistance from relatives
Relatives details:
Have you or any member of your family been receiving assistance from UNRRA; IGC; Voluntary agency:
If you have been receiving assistance, please state the amount:
If you have been receiving assistance from a voluntary agency please give the name of the agency.
Organisation you belonged to and why:
Present address:
Do you wish to return to your country of former residence?
Do you wish to remain in Germany?
Have you any relatives, friends or resources in Germany:
Do you wish to emigrate to some other country? Is so country of first preference.
Do any factors exist which might facilitate your emigration to this country.
What close relatives have you in this country? Give addresses, state relationship and whether any such relative is prepared to help you financially or otherwise.
Other preferences as to resettlement and resources.
Sunday, 14 June 2009
Saturday school

Who can remember Saturday's spent at Lithuanian school. Here is a photo from 1976. Hope it brings back some good memories.
Back row from left: Linas POCIUS, Romas WILLENBRECHT, Andrius BINKEVICIUS, Maryte SKEIRYTE, Janina DUNDAITE, Kotryna SKIPARYTE, Kristina LAZAUSKAITE, Azuolas PECIULIS.
Second row from left: Antanas POCIUS, Ramute GUSCIA, Angele SNARSKYTE, Antanas STARINSKAS, Liudas JANONIS, Antanas SNARSKIS, Arvydas GUDAITIS.
Third row from left: Vladas STATNICKAS (School Principal), Darius KALIBITAS, Petras DUNDA, Andrius STARINSKAS, Daniele POCIUTE, Birute STALBAITE, Melissa CARTER, Algis BERNAITIS (Teacher)
Sitting from left: Marija PECIULIENE, Janina REINKIENE, Gene VASILIAUSKAS,, Father Albinas SPURGIS, Anastazija PETRUSKEVICIENE, Marija PETKUNIENE, Valerija URBONIENE, Puriena PECIULYTE.
Sitting on floor from left: Markus NAVARKAS, Andrius CARTER, Nijole BERNAITYTE, Aldona BERNAITYTE, Dana KALIBATAITE, Kristina GUDELYTE, Rasa POCIUTE, Daina POCIUTE, Gene STARINSKAS, Edmundas GUDAITIS
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