Thursday 1 July 2010

Lithuanian RSL: Ramovė

Many Lithuanian men were in the Army or Reserves before coming to Australia, by 1950 it was natural to form a group that recognise this. The idea arose and was enthusiastically taken up by K Taparauskas. On the 10th June 1951 a meeting was held at St Joseph’s hall and the ‘Lietuvos Atsargos Karininku Draugija’ (Lithuanian Reserve) was formed.

The first committee comprised of
President: A Levickas
Secretary: K. Taparauskas
Treasurer: A Rusktele
At first they had 36 members.

The group received news form the USA that they could be part of the “Ramovė’s” (Lithuanian Veterans Union). The purpose of Ramovė was to uphold traditions, provide aid to those in Lithuania who were rendered invalids during the struggle for independence and to participate in all efforts to regain Lithuanian independence form Soviet occupation. Ramovė was formed in Chicago on the 14 May 1950.

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