St Casmir's Church

J. Langevicius made three crosses that grace the rear of the altar. A sculpture by G Butauskaite – Firinauskiene of St Casmir (statue funded by Navakas family) also stands by the altar. A Jucius built a Lithuanian style confessional booth on P. Pusdersys design.

Father Jatulis returned to Rome in 1957 at which time Fr Juozas Kungys became the Parish Priest.

The church was christened on 20 November 1960. Arch bishop Beovich was present, along with 650 Lithuanians.

Fr Kungys died in 1962 and pastoral care of the community was entrusted to the Marian Fathers. In the same year Father A. Kazlauskas arrived from London to take up duties as Parish Priest. He was assisted by Fr P. Dauknys. During this time a hall, newspaper room and library were built and extension were added to the original building.

In 1968 Father Dauknys was appointed to Geelong and in 1969 Fr A. Spurgis came from Chicago to lighten the duties of the ailing Father Kazlauskas. He passed away in 1976.

Under the guidance of Fr Spurgis a national shrine was erected, a baptistery and five stained glass windows commemorating the five dioceses of Lithuania were added to the chapel.

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