Beginings of Lithuanian Church

By the end of 1948 there were 1000 Lithuanians in Adelaide. Shortly before Christmas the Catholic Immigration Office organized an afternoon tea in St Francis Xavier Cathedral hall which became the venue of Lithuanian social activities in the first few years.

The Archbishop of Adelaide at that time, The Most Reverent Mathew Beovich appointed Father P. Jatulis then residing in Rome to minister to the spiritual needs of the community in Adelaide. Holy mass was celebrated in St Josephs in Pirie Street.

By 1953 there had been in the Adelaide Lithuanian Catholic community

  • 26 christenings (12 boys, 14 girls)
  • 11 marriages (6 with other nationalities)
  • 3 deaths all men

In 1956 Fr Jatulis called a meeting at which the Lithuanian Catholic Parish Organisation was constituted and officially registered as “Lithuanian Caritas Inc”.

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