Adelaide Lithuanian School part III

In 1975 the school issued a newsletter “Daigeliai” which is compiled solely by the work of students, text and artwork. The newsletter was edited by Sandra Bernaitienė. Also that year each student was able to receive a professionally printed magazine “Eglutė” produced and sent from the USA. The magazine was in Lithuanian and produced for children, it contained stories, pictures and games to play.

1978 the school was incorporated in The Ethnic school Association of South Australia.

The school prepares for performances throughout the year at such times as Lithuanian festival days, Mothers Day and Christmas and end of year performance. The school would often participate in Australian Lithuanian festivals around the country. A dancing group would perform as part of the dancing festival, children submitted artwork for the art exhibitions, and a youth event.

The best students for the year were awarded prizes usually a book or money. In 1979 a money prize was offered for the best student, over $127 was collected. The students were told at the beginning of the year that awards would be granted to students for excellent school work, for homework, and for reading. The prizes were handed out at the end of year concert. It was also the time when graduating students were acknowledged and given certificates and gifts.

End of year certificates were provided that gave marks out of ten for Lithuanian language, (spoken Lithuanian, dictation, grammar, writing), history, geography, dancing and singing.

In 1979, some classes were held outside of the school, at the Blandis home in North Plympton, which consisted of one adult and four children. Petruskevičienės home at Christies Beach was used for another small group that met from 1pm -3pm on Saturdays. Special classes were also held on the Saturday mornings for children with limited Lithuanian. This provided a venue for more intense assistance.

Vanessa Dumčiutė recorded as the 400 student to be enrolled in the school in 1980.

The school year would finish with a large performance at Lithuanian House in December. Each student would participate and was required to recite a poem, perform a play, song or dance. The older children would be the master of ceremonies. The highlight of the evening for the children was a visit from Father Christmas where each child was given a present, usually a toy of some kind.

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