New Years Celebrations 1958

New Years Ball, Adelaide. from left; B. Lapsys,
Bachunas, A. Linkuvicius
The next day the Bachunai rose early so they could fit in meeting more members of the community. The first visit of the day was to Vladas Požela, who was with the Lithuanian Ministry of Home Affairs during president Griniaus time in Lithuania.  They visited Pozela’s son-in-law Vytas Kmitas who works in one of Adelaide’s largest firms, O’Connor and Sons heating and cooling specialists.

He also met Juozas Gučius, an actor and manager of Lithuanian Theatre group.  He worked for many years at the Kaunas radio station, as director an actor.  His wife, Gučiene Binkevičiutė, is also a professional singer and singing teacher.  Gučius showed him several programs of past performances, that were held in Lithuanian and English.  The theatre group has performed Henri Devernois, The Bronze lady and the Crystal Gentleman, and Box and Cox, the Proposal, the school for wives.  All the actors were Lithuanian and the plays performed in English.

Baciunas was told that on December 1st, in the Australian Hall, violinist Pranas Matiukas gave a performance with singer Uknevičiutė.  There are three singers, B. Rūkštelienė, Gučiene, and Vasilauskienė.  Rūkštelienė has since moved to America.

From here the Bachunai  visited Rūdaičius, then Jonas Kalvaitis, who has three brothers in America.  Jonas has contemplated moving to Boston to work with his brother in real estate, but he now has grown children who are not keen to move.  Bachunai then visited Vaclovas Raginis, and later Česlovas Zamoiskis, and Vytas Petrūskevičius.

Lapšys took the Bachunai to visit a well known Lithuanian pilot and glider, Major Jonas Pyragius. His daughter was a well known sports woman, now married Mrs Cibiras. 

Bachunas learnt about the local church newspaper, ‘Šventadieno Balsas’ Sunday Voice.  The newspaper is edited by Father Kungys, with drawings added by Pušdešrys, and it is printed in Dičiunas home.

New Years Eve was celebrated at Centennial Hall, Wayville.  The Women’s association had spent all day preparing food, they were expecting over 500 guests.  There was a good band, everyone danced and enjoyed themselves.  Before the evening finished the President of the Community, Čibiras welcomed in the new year, and invited Bachunas to speak.

The following morning they rose early, and were taken to the airport for a flight to Sydney.
So ended their Adelaide leg of their tour to Australia.

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