Journey to the Pacific Region III

December 30th

Bachunas spent some time with members of the Adelaide Lithuanian Women's group.

On March 1, 1952 a Lithuanian Women’s group was formed. The groups role was to generate social occasions where Lithuanians can meet. Another function was to visit the sick in hospitals. The women would take food, sweets or special dietary food and have a chat to the sick. The group would send money twice a year to German sanatorium in Gauting.

The women have instigated several new traditions in Adelaide. The Christmas ‘Eglutė’ for children, where Father Christmas visits and gives each child a gift, followed by a communal meal. Each New year or Mother’s day, women over 70 are honoured and presented with a gift. The women assist in preparing lunch each Saturday for the children attending Lithuanian school. Children who take first communion do so in a decorated church and partake in a meal afterwards prepared for by the women.

Not one newborn into the community did not receive a gift or those who died did not receive a wreath from the Women’s group.

In 1957 the women had collected £600, this was profits from balls, lotteries and donations. All the women’s time were freely given. The president is Garbaliauskienė, other committee members, Janavičienė, Varnauskienė, Navakienė, Šerelienė.

Bachunas referred to the Women’s group as the heart and soul of the community.

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