Juozas Bačiunas Library

A library was established not long after the Lithuanian House was purchased in Eastry street.  It began with an old cupboard filled with donated books.

On 30 December 1962, the Library was officially opened by Juozas Bačiunas, President of the World Lithuanian Society, visiting from America.  Bačiunas was honoured by officially having his name bestowed to the Library and cutting a Lithuanian sash.

The Library workers appealed to the community for further donation, and Bačiunas sent several parcels of books from America.  The ALB Adelaide Community Society donated 50 books, and later would donate books in the memory of deceased community members.
After a short time the Library had over 1000 catalogued books.

The Library expanded its purpose by selling books, music, Lithuanian folk art and jewellery.  Visiting authors and book launches were supported by the Library.

In 1990, the Library held 3,800 books, subscribed to 18 newspapers and journals and had 121 borrowers.  

After 51 years the Library is closing, with only two borrowers and tired staff it is a logical decision.   Having said this it will open again, not as the Library we knew it as but a place that will hopefully have more benefit to the community at this time.  More to come. 

Library workers
Bronius Straukas 1957
Mečislovas Urbonas 17 August 1963
Elena Reisonienė 21 January 1967
Kostas Pocius 1 January 1981
Nata Alvikienė Sept 1985 – still there in 1992
Renata Urmonienė 11 April 1999 – 30 June 2013 
Marytė Neverauskienė 1973 – 2013 (40 years)
V. Vitkunienė 1985 - 1999
J. Kutkienė 1967 - 1982
Brone Lapsienė there in 1992
Ona Baužienė there in 1992

Stefanija Rudzenskienė 1967 - ?
Katryna Garbalauskienė 1967 - 1980
Laisve Daugalienė 1985 - 1999
Dana Pretty 1999 - 2013
Albina Gudelienė 1999 - 2013
