Lithuanians appeal to the SA Parliament
The former Minister of the Interior of the free Lithuanian Republic Mr V. Pozela now living in Adelaide as an immigrant has submitted to the Members of the SA Parliament through Mr Cyril Hutchins MP a proclamation signed by the 21 members of the constituent Lithuanian Legislative Assembly. Such proclamation after being published was submitted to Parliamentarians of all free nations.
In it is pointed out that communism is the greatest enemy of the Western Freedom and civilisation. The signatories request the Parliaments to influence their respective Governments as follows:-
1. Not to recognise or approve Lithuanian’s annexation to Russia which was done by force.
2. Not to enter into any treaty with the communists which in any way would imply recognitions or approval of occupation of Lithuania and other European countries.
3. Strictly to observe the UN Charters thereby allowing Lithuania to regain independence and to elect its Government by free elections and
4. To assist the European Nations enslaved by Communists in fighting against the communist criminal offences as; religious persecution, mass deportations, denial of human rights, economic exploitation and various forms of harmful actions.
The News 12 July 1955
In it is pointed out that communism is the greatest enemy of the Western Freedom and civilisation. The signatories request the Parliaments to influence their respective Governments as follows:-
1. Not to recognise or approve Lithuanian’s annexation to Russia which was done by force.
2. Not to enter into any treaty with the communists which in any way would imply recognitions or approval of occupation of Lithuania and other European countries.
3. Strictly to observe the UN Charters thereby allowing Lithuania to regain independence and to elect its Government by free elections and
4. To assist the European Nations enslaved by Communists in fighting against the communist criminal offences as; religious persecution, mass deportations, denial of human rights, economic exploitation and various forms of harmful actions.
The News 12 July 1955