Australian Lithuanian Students

Australijos Lietuvių Studentų Sąjunga (ALSS)

The Australijos Lietuvių Studentų Sąjunga (ALSS) was formed in 1952.  Members were university students or those studying at a higher professional level who have completed a diploma.  Branches were formed in Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney, Canberra had a eldership.  An informal group met in Brisbane, Newcastle and Perth.

Tertiary students in Adelaide began to appear soon after post WWII arrival, in the early 1950’s.   Stasys Čibiras instigated the establishment of a group in Adelaide. Officially began in 25 August 1951.  The group rose in number to 13 members by the time the first formal gathering was called on 19 April 1952.  On this day a committee was elected which consisted of Stasys Čibiras as president, Algis Navakas and Nemira Šiunaitė.

The group aimed to actively participate in the Adelaide Lithuanian community and to keep ties with other Australian Lithuanian students.  A two shilling membership fee by each member was invested so dance evenings could be held.  Ten years later the number had risen to 50 students and 24 graduates.

Adelaide instigated the first Australian student gathering which was held in Sydney in 1956.  Others were held in 1958 and 1962.

ALSS Adelaide Branch Committee
Romas Urmonas                        President
Dalia Levickaitė
Sigitas Martinkus
T Žurauskas      President
J .Arminas, V. Giruckas, D. Varoneckaitė, Antanas Lapšys.
This committee formed the central committee and organised the ALSS gathering.  12 new students enrolled in university that year.
Antnas Stepanas                        President
J. Martinkutė, Rimas Daugalis, and Ramunas Dunda.
Juratė Naujalienė                      President
Laima Radzevičiutė, Violeta Vasilauskaitė, Rimas Daugalis ir Gytis Šimkus
Vytautas Straukas                      President
Emilija Matiukaitč, Laima Radzevičiutė
Gytis SImkus    President
Rasa Pacevičiutė, A. Radzevičiutė
Vytas Straukas                            President
A. Tugaudyte, A. Radzevičiutė, K. Baškutė, V. Vanagas
This committee became the national  committee and organised the Adelaide national gathering.

The committees organised Initium and Finis Semestri, Žirnius ir aluti, outings to the countryside and readings and discussion evenings.

The committee pushed the Kūlturos Fondo (Cultural Fund) to instigate a Lithuanian course in Adelaide.  The students donated copies of the groups newsletter Lituanus to the Barr Smith Library.

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