
Showing posts from September, 2016

Farewell picnic for Father Jatulis

Picnic at Christies Beach On a Sunday afternoon on the 25 August 1957,over 400 Lithuanians gathered at the Caritas property at Christies Beach for its first picnic and blessing of the house. Mass was said by Father Jatulis whose sermon emphasised a common house, common work. The choir, Lituania even came and sung.   Not sure if this photo is of the actual event described but it was taken at Christies Beach After mass, tables were set up, placed in rows and the Women’s committee brought out the home made, lovingly prepared food.   The occasion also served as a farewell to priest Paulius Jatulis who had been summoned by the church to go to Italy.   Speeches were spoken every head present, from by ALB President, Stasys Čibiras, Theatre group head, Juozas Gusčius, Youth group leader Juozas Lapšys, Lithuanian Society President, J. Raginis, Scout Leader Vytas Neverauskas, Sports President J. Jaunutis and Ateininkai head, A. Kubilius. Instead of a farewell gi...

Australian Lithuanian Student Assembly 1958

The third Australian Lithuanian Student Assembly was held in Adelaide in December 1958.   It opened on December 27 th by T. Žurauskas.   Present was Pulgis Andriušis, Kristina Česnaitė (Melbourne), V. Martišius (Canberra) and I. Venclovas (Sydney), Secretary Daina Maželytė (Adelaide). Žurauskas in his address stated that in 1958 in all of Australia and New Zealand over 100 Lithuanians were studying at University level.   In 1957 13 students finished, Sydney 5, Melbourne 5 and Adelaide 3. Pulgis Andriušis took the stage and gave an interesting reading about ideas and values in life and its place in the English world.    The first day finished with singing of the Lithuanian National Anthem, followed by dinner and fellowship. The 28 th featured an outing to the beach where several hours of swimming and games was allowed.   In the evening participants gathered at the Giruckus home at Richmond. The following day, there was an outing to the Art ...

Adelaide Lithuanian News 10 years: 1970

Adelaidės Lietuvių Žinios 10 metų Adelaide Lithuanian News 10 years: 1970 Now in its 46 year, the Adelaide Lithuanian News has always been the voice of the local community.   The newspaper was published as a combined effort by the Adelaide Lithuanian Union Committee and Adelaide Lithuanian Community Committee.   The first edition specified the need for broad, correct and on time information.   The newspaper was open to all groups of Lithuanian interest. After ten years 240 newsletters had been written, printed, folder and posted. The newspaper united all Lithuanians with articles on Lithuanian history and interest, local gossip, birth, death and marriages and upcoming events.   It was a time to thank the writers, editors, publishers who all volunteered their time to make it to this milestone. The first ALŽ editor was Vladas Radzevičius who held this position from July 1960 to January 1963. Vladas was a journalist and wrote for numerous Lithuanian ne...