Adelaide Lithuanian News 10 years: 1970

Adelaidės Lietuvių Žinios 10 metų
Adelaide Lithuanian News 10 years: 1970

Now in its 46 year, the Adelaide Lithuanian News has always been the voice of the local community.  The newspaper was published as a combined effort by the Adelaide Lithuanian Union Committee and Adelaide Lithuanian Community Committee.  The first edition specified the need for broad, correct and on time information.  The newspaper was open to all groups of Lithuanian interest.
After ten years 240 newsletters had been written, printed, folder and posted. The newspaper united all Lithuanians with articles on Lithuanian history and interest, local gossip, birth, death and marriages and upcoming events. 
It was a time to thank the writers, editors, publishers who all volunteered their time to make it to this milestone.

The first ALŽ editor was Vladas Radzevičius who held this position from July 1960 to January 1963. Vladas was a journalist and wrote for numerous Lithuanian newspapers in Australia and America.  During that time, he published 61 editions. The second editor, Jurgis Arminas held this position from January 1963 to June 1967.  Antanas Serelis followed until December 1967. He was followed by Odete Stimburienė, until March 1970.

An Editor would spend many hours preparing each fortnight edition.  Usually there was eight pages but sometimes 12-16. That equates to 2400 pages in ten years.
Newspaper administration was undertaken by Juozas Lapšys (1 July 1960) then Juozas Gylys and Stasys Dunda (1 Jan 1963 – 1 June 1968). This position also required a large investment of time.  One needed to address each envelope and print 500 newspapers.
The newspaper was assisted by Paulina Gavelienė, Nadezda Varnauskienė, Kataryna Garbaliauskienė, Elena Reisonienė Povilas Kanas, Marija Navakienė. Amalija Pyragienė, Kutkienė.

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