Journey to the Pacific region continued

On December 27th they were invited to lunch at Lapšys, who drove them around. They then attended the children’s Christmas celebrations organised by the Women’s guild. The children all received presents and presented the Baciunai with a song, that they had rehearsed. The choir had around 30 children organised by Vasilauskienė. The children also danced, taught by Grėbliunienė and Lapšiene. Many of the children were born in Australia.

That evening there was a party at Vytautas Linkus house at Port Adelaide. Linkus has his own business a food products shop at Port Adelaide, “Linkus World Food”. He was then invited to visit Vasilauskas at 36 roomed hotel at Semaphore . Vasilauskas owned several other properties, used for holiday rental.

Sunday December 29th, Dičiunas drove them to church where over 300 Lithuanians had gathered. After mass Father Kungys said a prayer for Lithuania independence. After the service had finished Father Kungys drove them to Dičiunas’ home for lunch. Dičiunas has built a lovely home, next to his sister lives. After lunch they were driven to Christies Beach where the church had purchased a block of land which has a small building. A pleasant afternoon with song and food was occurred. The Baciunai were then taken to Pascevičius’ home where more Lithuanians had gathered. Pascevicius, an engineer had designed a elevator that can lift 1,500,00 bushels. The lift is built in a factory by the sea, where over 150 people work.

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