Vilniaus scout room

Father Kungys blessing the room
A inviting room at Lithuanian house was devoted to the ‘Vilniaus’ troop scout group.  The walls were covered with Lithuanian artwork, each piece had to be of Lithuanian basis.  The room was opened and blessed on 23 April 1961, St George day also World scout day.

Following mass at Lithuanian church a scout meeting was held at Lithuanian House.  Father Kungys, blessed the room, and urged the scouts to continue with scout principles.  Vaclovas Raginis, President of the Adelaide Lithuanian society provided the scouts with their own room where the youth could cultivate their Lithuanian heritage.
Jonas Vanagas was the scout master at that time.   Vanagas as the Museum Curator was able to prepare a display of scout journals and made a guest book was available to sign. 
After some brief speeches participants were able to view the room.  A large table had been made without nails, the legs and frame fixed together with rope.  The curtains had embroidered Guide logo sewn into them by the Guides.  A map of Lithuania, Vytis, wooden cross, photographs and framed letters also graced the walls.  The majority of the material were made by the scouts. 

As it approached sunset, the V. Šulcas prepared a fire where all gathered.  The Girl Guides (paukštytės) gave a recital, and 17 scout camp songs were sung.  The evening ended with the traditional ‘Ateina naktis’ (Night is approaching song) and the fire extinguished. 

The room was were the present day bar is, near the ladies restrooms.  It could be accessed through the hall and had an external door.  The scout room was moved at a later date to one of the rooms in the cottage, adjacent the Lithuanian House where the Saturday school was held.  Many years later, the scout room was again transferred to the Lithuanian Catholic centre where it remains today.  The room however is more of a storage room than a display room.
Kungys, Paceviciene, R. Urminas, J. Lapsys, Vanagas, Neverauskas, Raginis

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