Ethnic Scout and Guide Association

Scouts-in-Exteris, also referred to as Scouts-in-Exile, are Scouting and Guiding groups formed outside of their native country as a result of war and changes in governments. Formed in the 1950s the Ethnic Scout and Guide Association, comprises scout and guide groups from seven European nationalities, from countries which were all previously under communist rule.  The Ethnic Scout and Guide Association coordinates activities, and runs an annual camp for venturer and rover age groups.

The groups that make up the Association are the Australian Latvian Scouts & Guides, the Ukrainian Scouts, the Lithuanian Scouts, the Estonian Scouts, the Hungarian Scouts, the Polish Scouts and the Russian Scout Association.  

The aim of the Association is to foster good relations amongst its members and to encourage its members to uphold traditional principles and customs of their country of origin.   Also, to advance the religious, social, cultural, welfare and recreational activities of its members.

Participating in exiled scouts took up considerable time, which in essence was taken away from one’s own scout association.  It took time to understand each other’s traditions and culture.  English was to be the official language of the Association.  This presented issues of how to present and participate ones culture so other countries could understand and appreciate each other.

Ethnic scouts have been most active in Melbourne, activities continue to present day. Less active have been activities in Sydney and Adelaide. 

South Australia had a similar organisation to the other states, Ethnic Scout and Guides of South Australia (ESGOSA).  Several combined scout camps were held in the 1980’s after which time the association seemed to disband.  
ESGOSA Camp badge, 1984

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