Blessed with a God given talent
Genė Vasiliauskienė yra daininkė iš Dievo malonės. Stasys Santvaras (Pasaulio Lietuvis 1983) Well-known singer soloist and longstanding choir mistress in Adelaide. Genovaite Stanaityte was born in Griškabūdis, Sakiai region in the south western Lithuania, on 6 April 1921. Genovaitė gained a love of music from her mother, she began singing at a young age. At 18 years of age she began to study singing at the Kaunas Conservatory under Professor Gedan and V. Grigaitienė. Later she studied at Vilnius Music school with Professor Kryzanowska. The events of WWII did not stop her studies, which she continued at Hamburg Conservatory with Professor Berger. Upon arrival in Australia Genovaitė enrolled in the Adelaide Conservatory under Professor Howard. She continued perfecting her voice with private tutelage A. Binkevičiutė – Gučiuvienė. In Germany she gave numerous concerts in Fensburg, Hamburg, Spackenberg and Ventorf....