Literature Afternoons
First Adelaide Literature evening was held on the 30 th May 1954 in the Catholic Cathedral hall in Wakefield Street. The session were conducted by Pulgis Andriušis, Pranas Pušdešris, Leonas Pakalnis from work that had not been published before. The first half featured serious reading from B. Brazdžionis poetry. The second half was a selection of humourist readings. A pianist, M. Martinkienė provided some musical interlude. It was organised by the Lietuvių Mokyklos Tevių Komitetas (Lithuanian School Parents Committee). After this, weekly literature afternoons were held, organised by the ALB on Sundays after lunch. It featured readings, discussions and a musical hour. These were held in St Joseph’s church hall. Topics included a talk by Antanas Rukštelė on Lithuanian press and the path to independence. Jonas Lapšys gave a talk on Lithuanian shipping, Stasys Čibiras spoke on leased property acquisition in Australia, ...