
Showing posts from October, 2013

Rukstele painting of Elder Park

I wonder where this painting has ended up? The Adelaide News, 16 March 1950

Another Lithuanian leaves Adelaide

Well known Lithuanian social worker Mrs Varnauskas, Unley after living in Adelaide for 7 years is leaving the country for the USA to join her married daughter in New York,  Being a widow and no longer young, she still used to find enough time to visit Lithuanians in hospitals and give help to anyone who was in need.  About 60 members of the Lithuanian community, many of them former patients, last Saturday held a party at Mrs Navakas home, Hindmarsh to bid farewell and wish Mrs Varnauskas good luck in the new country. For her charitable activities Mrs Varnauskas was presented with several valuable gifts and souvenirs. The Advertiser 1 Sept 1955

Lithuanians appeal to the SA Parliament

The former Minister of the Interior of the free Lithuanian Republic Mr V. Pozela now living in Adelaide as an immigrant has submitted to the Members of the SA Parliament through Mr Cyril Hutchins MP a proclamation signed by the 21 members of the constituent Lithuanian Legislative Assembly.  Such proclamation after being published was submitted to Parliamentarians of all free nations. In it is pointed out that communism is the greatest enemy of the Western Freedom and civilisation.  The signatories request the Parliaments to influence their respective Governments as follows:- 1. Not to recognise or approve Lithuanian’s annexation to Russia which was done by force. 2. Not to enter into any treaty with the communists which in any way would imply recognitions or approval of occupation of Lithuania and other European countries. 3. Strictly to observe the UN Charters thereby allowing Lithuania to regain independence and to elect its Government by free elections and 4. ...

A Lithuanian family is leaving for the USA

Another news article. A prominent member of the Lithuanian family in Adelaide, Dr of Law Eduardas Jansonas from Kensington Gardens, accompanied by his wife is leaving Australia for the USA to join his son and to undertake a position as lecturer in international law at the College of Law in Philadelphia, USA. Dr Jansonas, during his six years in Adelaide enjoyed a high reputation among his countrymen and for several years was on the Advisory Committee of the Good Neighbour Council.  As an expert in Lithuanian and German law, he was well known to SA Lawyers. The members of the Lithuanian community bade him farewell at a social evening held at the ‘Pinguin’[This is the way it was spelt, it may be incorrect] restaurant, Angas st on November the 11th. The Advertiser 12 Nov 1955

A Lithuanian migrant takes up work in a new profession

Another submitted news article. Vladas Morkys, HPA, Roper st, Adelaide has completed recently Hubbard Professional Auditors Training Course. Being fully qualified for the work in the field of Dianetics and Scientology, now he is opening his office for public service in Adelaide. His professional aim is to help the people to increase their abilities in resolving beneficially the problems of everyday life, including the ability of eliminating nervous and psychosomatic ailments, such as fear, anger, constipation, headache, fatigue, asthmatic troubles etc. The Advertiser 17 Nov 1955

A new Lithuanian play in Adelaide

Another submitted news article. The Lithuanian Theatre Studio in Adelaide directed by Mr J. Guscius will give on the 2nd and 3rd of December, the performance of a Lithuanian play “High castle” (AukÅ¡tadvaris) by the Lithuanian writer V. Alantas at the Studio Theatre, Wellington Square, North Adelaide. Mr J. Guscius was well known in Lithuanian as a full time producer for radio plays in Lithuanian Broadcasting Service.  After the war in Germany he produced several internationally famous plays in Displaced Persons camps.  When he arrived in Adelaide, five years ago, he gathered a few former Lithuanian artist and amateurs and started his Theatre Studio. Every year he produces a few plays, which are very popular amongst the Lithuanians.  A few months ago his Studio tried a play in English which was a considerable success.  But his main purpose is to show the works of famous Lithuanians writers to Lithuanians in Adelaide. Advertiser 1 Dec 1955

Back to your homeland

During 1955-1956 numerous articles were writing about Lithuanians in Adelaide and the situation in occupied Lithuania and submitted to Adelaide newspapers, the Advertiser, the News, the Sunday Advertiser by V. Radis.  I haven't found these articles appearing in Trove, so am not sure if they were actually published. Adelaide Lithuanians feel annoyed by the red General N.F Michailov’s invitations to return to their homeland.  Many received personal invitations others specially printed newspapers for their purpose entailed ‘Back to your home country’.  In both the invitations and the newspaper it is naively attempted to show that the refugees are starving and being exploited. This red General is the president of a communist organisation in East Berlin named ‘Back to your home country’ which published a newspaper of the same name and for the same purpose.  This newspaper is spread among the refugees in the western countries. The organisations activities d...