Summer youth camp, 1970

The Catholic organised a summer youth camp from 2 to 14th of January at ‘Kurša’ the Latvian camp grounds at Aldinga beach.  It wasn't the best place for a camp site as it was a bit far from the beach and the breezes cool. 

The camp was lead by Nemira Masiūlytė, assisted by R. Kubiliutė. Camp commandant was D. Karpys, camp cook was Visockiene, Janilionienė and Marcinkevičiutė.  Every evening father Kazlauskas and Father Spurgis would hold readings and discussions.  Guests spoke on various topics, L. Pakalnis spoke about Lithuanian poetry, A Kubilius spoke about practical Catholicism, M. Gavienienė about catholic ideology, V. Straukas and Father Spurgis led a discussion of youth issues, G. Kaminskas spoke on the Lithuanian language.  V. Vosylius gave a slide show featuring Lithuanian scenes.  P. Pusdešris spoke on and led a traditional partisan evening with a crown of flowers being let out to sea.
There were 25 children at the camp, with five of them had travelled from Melbourne.

The final day of camp, Father Kazlauskas said mass, followed by the youth showing what they had learned throughout the camp, singing national dancing, recitals. 

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