A Lithuanian in Lobethal
As part of History Month, I decided a trip to the Lobethal Museum was in order. The Museum has preserved the small German township's history, to the credit of Lithuanian Jonas Vanagas. It is still a pleasure to see Vanagas' touch in the Museum almost 50 years later. Vanagas also collected and established the Lithuanian Museum and Archive in Adelaide. Entrance foyer of the Museum Vanagas in the top photograph and at the opening of the Museum. This picture hangs on the Museum wall . Inside cover of the Lobethal history book The Museum holds a book "Lobethal 1842 - 1954 an Historical Study" compiled by Vanagas. It contains aspects of the towns history accompanied by original documents and photographs. It is well researched and more astoundingly for me written in excellent English, not Jonas’ first language. This book was never published , the original is held in Lobethal, a copy is in the State Library ...