
Showing posts from May, 2013

A Lithuanian in Lobethal

As part of History Month, I decided a trip to the Lobethal Museum was in order.  The Museum has preserved the small German township's history, to the credit of Lithuanian Jonas Vanagas.   It is still a pleasure to see Vanagas' touch in the Museum almost 50 years later.   Vanagas also collected and established the Lithuanian Museum and Archive in Adelaide.   Entrance foyer of the Museum   Vanagas in the top photograph and at the opening of the Museum.  This picture hangs on the Museum wall .   Inside cover of the Lobethal history book   The Museum holds a book "Lobethal 1842 - 1954 an Historical Study" compiled by Vanagas. It contains aspects of the towns history accompanied by original documents and photographs. It is well researched and more astoundingly for me written in excellent English, not Jonas’ first language. This book was never published , the original is held in Lobethal, a copy is in the State Library ...

Dynamic Frank a new arrival on SA Courts

CIKAUSKAS Pranas  also known as Frank CHICKOWSKI Dynamic guard Frank Chickowski flew into Adelaide this week from the US eager to play basketball in SA.   Chickowski, 34, formerly one of Detroit University’s top players, does not know which Adelaide district club he will join.   But he will make the decision either tonight after he sees six of our eight teams in action, or on Sunday after he watches the other two. The front runner in the race is Chickowski’s signature is Centrals Latvians. Their ethnic link with Lithuanian, Chickowski’s native country could help lure him into the fold. Chickowski, 6 ft, 2 in hinted that he would prefer to just coach or play, rather than both. Beside coaching, a successful high school team for twelve years, Chickowski also coached the American Lithuanian All Star side that toured Europe last year.  Australia’s Eddie Palubinskas was a member of that team. In 1964, Chickowski toured the world with an American Lithuanian tea...

76 men worked 2706 hours

76 vyrai isdirbo 2706 valandas 76 men worked 2706 hours In the year 1961, men and women donated their time to build Lithuanian House.  They worked 2706 hours, equivalent to 339 work days.  The men were fed by the Women's committee consisting of 18 women.   Special mention for Architect Karolis Reisonas who never missed a working bee.  He not only organised the group but also worked side by side the other men.   The other special mention goes to V. Petkunas whose directs all his energy into Lithuanian House and motivates others. Adelaides Lietuviu Zinios  15.III. 1962  

After Snowy Mountain - New Zealand

After working in the Snowy Mountains Hydro Electric scheme, five Lithuanian miners moved to New Zealand to work in the ‘Utah’ Deep Cove, New Zealand.  The area was so mountainous that there was nowhere to establish a camp, so the workers lived on boat.  One miner Vytas Kranauskas was killed by falling rocks.  He has served in the Lithuanian Army in the Artillery and later in the German army. He has also been in the French Foreign Legion and served five years in Indo China. Another Lithuanian, Romualdas Genys was one of the youngest, at 16 he worked two seasons cutting cane in North Queensland. He worked for many years as Shift boss and walker. The other Lithuanians were First miner Petras Mazeika, First miner Stasys Andriegauskas, First miner Vytas Peciulis, welder Algis Lencius, Foreman, carpenter Janis Rickis. Deep Cove became an important part of the Manapouri Hydroelectricity Project as the site of the tailrace tunnel from Lake Manapouri. A 10 kilometres tunnel c...