The events of WWII forced many Lithuanians to flee their country. Unable to return, over 10,000 came to Australia. This is their history. We respect and honour Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders past, present and future. We acknowledge the stories, traditions and living cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples on this land and commit to building a brighter future together.
The first contingent of displaced persons to be sent direct to South Australia reached Woodside camp yesterday, weary but happy to be in Australia after months and years of
waiting in Europe.
There were a few tears, but mostly beaming smiles., and in half a dozen tongues the newcomers anxiously enquired about friends and relatives who had come to Australia in earlier ships. The migrants, all from DP camps in the British sector of Germany, came from Naples in the Norwegian motorship Goya which berthed at Outer Harbor yesterday a week ahead of schedule.
The contingent comprised 907 men, women and children of 11 nationalities—438 Poles, 143 Latvians. 98 Lithuanians, 92 Yugoslavs, 51 Esthonians, 38 Ukrainians, 24 Hungarians, 10 Russians, eight Czechoslovakians, four Germans and one Rumanian. They said that the voyage had been a happy one. Food on the ship had been consistently good and their quarters—dormitories of 40 to 45 beds—clean and comfortable. Each man and woman had received 20 cigarettes free each day.
Dr. R. M. Mussone, the International Refugee Organisation doctor who accompanied the migrants, reported that 500 of the passengers had become sea sick during a spell of rough weather. There had been 25 cases of measles.
Two children still suffering from measles were taken by ambulance to the camp hospital at Woodside.
Eight Denominations
Another IRO official on the ship was M. Rudolph Regamev who travelled from Naples as escort officer. His records of the migrants showed that there were 441 Roman Catholics, 149 Orthodox, 131 Protestants, 118 Greek-Catholics, 36 Lutherans, 15 Jews, 14 Evangelists and three Baptists. The contingent included seven babies and 104 children under 10 years. The migrants were taken to Woodside in two special trains. After bedding, crockery and cutlery had been issued and quarters allotted, they were given their first meal in Australia—soup, stew, bread.
The Advertiser Wednesday 4 May 1949 p.3
Rosum's Universal Robots R.U.R.
Rosum’s Universal Robots R.U.R
by K Capek
Performed in Adelaide 1953
Produced by: J Gucius
Artist: A Marciulionis
Harry Domin, General Manager RUR: V. Ratkevicius
Dr Fabby, Chief Engineer RUR: Z. Kucinksas
Dr Gall Chief physiologist of RUR: B. Rainys
Dr Helman, Chief psychologist of RUR: A Petrikas
J. Berman, Business manager of RUR: A. Gutis
Alquist, that architect of RUR: N. Skidzevicius
Ellen Glory: G. Matulevicius (pictured)
Emma her maidservant: S. Kanas
Marius, a robot: A. Trinka
Radius, a robot: V. Uzubalis
Primus, a robot: L. Karmazinas
A Robot, servant: B. Baksinskas
A Robot: P. Stimburys
Sulla, a robot: Z. Petkunas
Ellen, a robot: S. Kanas
Business Manager: L. Zygas
The Lithuanian Theatre Studio 1953
Vardan tos Lietuvos - Canberra's memorial
The Australian Lithuanian War Veterans Association ( Ramov ė ) comprises of former members of the previously independent Republic of Lithu...
There are several places to search if you are trying to find information on someone who worked on Snowy Mountain. A reference in a previou...
Yesterday at the Adelaide Lithuanian House we celebrated the arrival of the General Stuart Heintzelman ship 70 years ago. Below is the sp...
Born on February 10, 1946 in Memmingen Refugee camp. He immigrated to Australia with his parents Antanas and Jadvyga in 1950. In 1963 Vytas ...