St George & St Anthony

Šv Jurgis

Saint George (c. 275/281 – 23 April 303) was a Greek who became an officer in the Roman army. He became an officer in the Roman army in the Guard of Diocletian. He is venerated as a Christian martyr.  Saint George is one of the most venerated saints in the Catholic , Anglican, Eastern Orthodox, and the Oriental Orthodox churches. He is immortalized in the tale of Saint George and the Dragon and is one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers. His memorial is celebrated on 23 April, and he is regarded as one of the most prominent military saints.

In memory of her husband, B. Zilinskiene. 1974

Šv Antano vitražas.
St Anthony of Padua (1195-1231), the most celebrated of the followers of Saint Francis of Assisi, was born at Lisbon on the 15th of August 1195. In his fifteenth year he entered the Augustinian order, and subsequently joined the Franciscans in 1220. He wished to devote himself to missionary labours in North Africa, but the ship in which he sailed was cast by a storm on the coast of Sicily, whence he made his way to Italy. He taught theology at Bologna, Toulouse, Montpellier and Padua, and won a great reputation as a preacher throughout Italy. He was the leader of the rigorous party in the Franciscan order against the mitigations introduced by the general Elias. His death took place at the convent of Ara Coeli, near Padua, on the 13th of June 1231. He was canonized by Gregory IX. in the following year, and his festival is kept on the 13th of June.

St Anthony is often portrayed meditating on an open book in which the Christ Child himself appears. Over time the child came to be shown considerably larger than the book and some images even do without the book entirely.

St Anthony is venerated all over the world as the Patron Saint for lost articles, and is credited with many miracles involving lost people, lost things and even lost spiritual goods.

Consecrated September 1974.  Last of the windows.

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